List of Links and Credits

This website was made in large part thanks to the resources provided by SadGrl Online. Please please PLEASE go check them out, as they offer so many helpful things for starting your own site, including a super awesome layout builder (which I use for all the pages besides the home and landing page), a button maker, ideas for your site, etc. Also check out W3 schools as well for some helpful html tips and tricks.

For assest credits, such as where I got the buttons, wallpapers, etc., please view this google doc for a full list of what I used and the credits. If you find anything on my site that is yours and you want me to remove it/change the credit/any other issue, please reach out to me through this form and I will gladly resolve/fix things!

List of resources used as well as ones that you may find useful as well: And now, some cool shit:

